Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Skill of Listening

I really think I hate listening. Or borned with the handicapped of listening. Or I listen too well I tuned people out. Or I am such a super sonic fast pacer, I lost them at "hello".

Maybe its the hard truth that I shun but whichever may be, listening is problematic.

Last few days, maybe I have this power of sending signals out to others that I needed help; people came into the cafe and told me how to run the cafe. I told myself to listen and not to defend myself. It is personal when others come to you and offer you free advise when I wasn't seeking for it.

But I do like some of the advise after chewing on it for a moment. I don't mind hearing free given comments and advice, really! Just how it is being delivered. One man told me the 101 ways of marketing and making money. At least I was lured into his net thinking he was the guru I have been waiting for till he gently told me not in so many words, he could do it at a fee. It was the way things were being delivered. Fast and furious and when I started defending myself and the cafe; it became a personal attack.

I also have another who told me I need to push lunch menu. These are all good suggestions!

Finally, one person told me how hideous the cheap tables and chairs look till he passed by them to the back room and was blown away by the character of the back room and patio. He gave constructive suggestions on what will work and what doesn't.
I like him right away. He has a wry humor and come across as a big S.N.O.B. but with completely good intention! I can word fight with him and know we are having fun.

Listening for me is very challenging. Especially when addressing things i.e, the cafe. It is personal to me. It is my baby. But, I really believe if I listen carefully and with an open heart ( my mouth tightly shut and smile), I can find precious gem from it.

Through it all, I have to really ask myself what is the cafe all about? Is it hoping to capture everything and yet nothing? Trying to be like the hip cafe down the street with tonnes of money to burn? It is a very confusing and stressful time, starting a new business. I can be easily sidetracked and might make decision that will costs me without properly thinking it through.
I have to constantly ask myself what is my cafe all about? What is my business plan?

To me, my cafe is all about community; networking and a business that is ethical in its operation. I want to see the cafe as a hub for forums, open mikes and discussions. A place filled with creativity and one that is fun and promote the arts and travels. At the same time offering quality products that will make the cafe become a money tree. So I can save the world! ~ Ha!

So, with all the listening skill I can hardly managed, I have to listen to the voice that speaks my kinda Java.
And I have Daniel Frank and Russell Bennett to thank. They are such a wonder to listen to.

And by the way, we are starting our first forum in the cafe on social and global changes in China and how that is affecting us here in Canada and people around the world. A professor from UofT teaching Asia history will be the speaker in this event. More update is to come!

Okay, you can now tune me out or did I lost you at Hello?

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