Thursday, May 29, 2008


well, I have a lot of things I want to write today but its been such a weird day, I lost all my thoughts and plans.

First, it was absolutely beautiful outside and then I have a small garden party, looks like it at the garden. With kids, friends and staff hanging out.
Yet, hardly anyone comes into the cafe except of the regulars - thank God for them :)
and Ken Tolmie of The Tolmie gallery came in to the cafe on his weekly visits. Now, this is becoming his favorite hang-out and my new found friend. He went to fetch his partner but came back empty handed. I offered him a hug but he was too shy so I gave him a e-hug and he smiles. That's good.

We chatted and watched a CBC documentary on him and also some of his current works. Still no customers. I am fast becoming desperate :), blaming the electrician for back ordering my chimney for two weeks and the sign for the cafe has already came down. I can't put my new sign up till the chimney is up. and no chimney!!!!

Yet, I feel such great camaraderie with those who came in. Like now, Michael, Bruce and Jamie (all customers) and I are hanging out on the couch. Talking about the neighborhood. These are fun people and my first few customers.

Now, I am slowly adding to my list of regulars and and its really neat to see my community growing. We are relaxing, which I badly needed and are taking it all in and have a good perspective of the situation. No Sign, no chimney, no customers and competitors are edging in closer - lets have a party! Might as well have fun.

And it was fun today, Ken started photographing me for his project (totally self conscious) and we bought his partner some treats for his visits and made plans to visit her together after one of my shifts. Next time, its my turn to tell my story. Discuss life and continue to bond.

Sometimes, cafe can be such a life lesson, lesson on perspective, patience, friendship, listening ear, hugs, encouragement and a place for others to feel they matter. Kinda like social work. And I'm just the link.

And Happy Earth Day! We are doing the candle light thing tonight. No electricity. Just candles.


Unknown said...

It's "TIDBITS" dah-link! Your spelling means something a wee bit different. :-)

Marilyn Eng said...

only you will notice it!
Bruce oh Mighty! LOL

Unknown said...

But I do love your blog Marilyn. Fun to read. Too bad big Jimmie gives you so much trouble. Not only is he rude to you, but he makes hunky policemen come to your café and I get very jealous!......